ED in your website


It is possible to include the ED of a product in the webpage of the product itself, thanks to the Iframe given by Giunko. In this way, the Digital Label will complete the product's description on the product's website.

What are the properties of an Iframe?

  • It updates automatically at each change made to the reference by the client from the admin panel.
  • The language can be set from the URL of the Iframe with a specific parameter - If the parameter is not there, the default language will be the one set in the web browser.
  • The default geolocation is Italy (general information), but the user can choose his/her municipality or another country

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    Integration with other platforms

    It is also possible to integrate the disposal information of a product within another platform of e-labeling (through API). An example is the combination of U-Label by CEEV (ComitĂ© EuropĂ©en des Entreprises Vins) with ED by Giunko: when creating the U-Label with nutritional information of the product, a section with disposal information given by Junker app is added.

    This is the perfect modality to integrate a pre-existing platform of e-labeling with the Digital Label by Giunko.

    Download here a presentation of the Digital Label
